Are Grounding Sheets Safe

Are Grounding Sheets Safe? Tips on Proper Usage

Grounding sheets are a relatively new type of technology that mimics direct contact with the earth. This process is similar to walking barefoot, and it has many health benefits such as improved sleep, reduced stress levels, and help with chronic diseases. However, are grounding sheets safe? If you are curious about these products and are considering investing in them, you might also be concerned about their safety. Read on to find out more on the matter.

A Brief Introduction to Grounding Sheets

Grounding technology is known by many names – pads, sheets, and mats, for example. Earthing or grounding sheets are typically larger and used for sleep purposes. They are usually much thinner – similar to the thickness of a traditional top sheet for your bed.

The underlying process involves making direct contact with specially designed sheets that are conductive and plug into the ground socket. This enables you to be earthed whilst sleeping on your bed, and enjoy the benefits.

When sleeping grounded or just touching the sheet with your bare feet, your body then takes on the grounding product’s free electrons and negative charge. This transferal of free electrons into the human body is what we benefit from.
Earthing sheets mimic the earth’s surface electrons, so the reaction we get from them is similar to walking barefoot on grass or dirt. They replicate the earth’s energy and allow us to benefit from the balance it brings to our nervous and immune systems.

The Potential Dangers of Earthing Sheets

Now that you have an initial understanding of human grounding and earthing sheets, we can look specifically at the dangers. Yes, there are potential problems, and you must be aware of them. Mainly, these dangers result from typical human interaction with electrical currents.

Electric Shock

Electric shocks would only be an issue where there is a problem with electrical outlet. Grounding products tend to use plastic pins for the live and only metal for the earth. This means as long as the socket is functioning properly there is no risk of electric shock. We recommend using a socket tester to test your outlet before pluging in and using any earthing products.

Individual Body Reactions

As with any form of treatment or process, there is no guarantee that everyone will react the same. Two people may use grounding sheets and have completely different experiences. Person A, for example, may think it’s wonderful and benefit from better sleep. Person B, on the other hand, may react differently and stop using it immediately.

If you are unsure of the suitability of a grounding product because of underlying health issues, we would always advise seeking professional medical advice first.

Tips on Using Your Grounding Sheets Safely

Below, we have listed several simple tips to improve your safety when using an earthing product.

Start With a Limited Usage

With many processes that affect our body, a safe practice is to build up usage. For example, if you start going to the gym, you wouldn’t immediately jump on the toughest machine or try to lift the heaviest weight.

The same can be said for grounding sheets. As you allow electrons into your body, starting off small is a great idea. Use the device for no longer than an hour initially. Once you are comfortable with the process, you can increase the time accordingly.

Grounding Sheet FAQs

Can an Earthing Sheet Be Plugged Into Any Type of Socket?

Yes - in the UK and most countries with a ground connection. Earthing products must be used in a ground port with a suitable connection. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions to find out how to use one!

Can You Use a Grounding Sheet for Prolonged Periods?

Yes, you definitely can, although we advise building this up over time. A grounding sheet can invoke an immune response, and people may react in various ways. It is best practice, therefore, to only use an earthing sheet for long periods once your body is used to the grounding effects.

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